People of all ages differ in their skills, interests and abilities. Older people are as capable, worthy and useful as younger members of the community. Knowledge and experience gained by older people from careers, volunteer activities, sporting interests and relationships is a valuable asset to everyone.

We have been collecting thoughts and ideas from older people in our community about what they can do and how they would like to be seen. By sharing these with the wider community we can help to change expectations about what it means to get older.

We invite you to contribute to this positive ageing activity to help show all members of the community how unique older people really are.

By changing the way we think about getting older we have the chance to work together to create a society where every person is valued, connected and respected, regardless of age and health. Positive community and self-perceptions about ageing are good for all of us.

Older people have written on cards like the one below so we can share them at events or turn them into videos for everyone to see.

How can you contribute?

IMG 0361If you are aged over 60 we'd love to hear more about what you can do and how you would like to be seen so we can share your thoughts with the wider community. There are lots of ways you can share. Try one or more of the following:

  1. Visit our comments page to add your comments and we will turn them into cards like the one on the right.

  2. Send a photo of yourself at work, volunteering, playing sport, playing music, cooking, gardening, dancing or whatever it is you love to do to Michelle at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  3. Watch and share our English language video

  4. Watch and share our Chinese language video

  5. Follow our Ageing: Challenge your thinking Facebook page

Want to know more?

Are you interested to learn more about ageism (age discrimination) and how it supports an environment where elder abuse can occur or is accepted? Check out the links below for more information.


Elder abuse

  • Elder abuse: what is it? - web page
  • Concerned about an older person? - booklet
  • Compass: Guiding action on elder abuse - website

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