
  • One million stars to end violence

    The Southern Melbourne Primary Care Partnership (SMPCP) Family Violence Working Group (FVWG) and lead agency Bayside City Council have been excited to contribute to the One million stars to end violence initiative. The initiative was developed in response to the rape and murder of Jill Meagher in Brunswick on 22 September 2012. The peaceful yet powerful campaign spreads the message that we do not need to experience tragedy to be diligent and committed to ending violence.

    The video below explains a more about our involvement in the project.

    One Million Stars Initiative from SPACECODETTE on Vimeo.

    The project inspired an international movement to weave 1,000,000 stars as a way to shed light and keep the conversation on ending all forms of violence in our communities alive.

    SMPCP partner agencies, through lead agency Bayside Council, engaged with professionals, local community groups and residents to participate in the project by aiming to weave 10,000 stars. These passionate people created in excess of 13, 000 stars before the official celebration event on November 25, 2016 - International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. On completion of the exhibition at Bayside Council’s ARTrium space, all woven stars were sent to join others from all over the world to be displayed at an exhibition at the 2018 Commonwealth Games in Queensland.

    We were very excited to have the project receive a high commendation in at the 2017 VicHealth Awards in the 'Building health through art' category.


  • VicHealth Award Finalists

    We're excited to announce that our One million stars to end violence initiative is a finalist in this year's VicHealth Awards.